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- A few sentences to ISUP
- -----------------------
- All ISUP objects are created from special data structures (struct xxxData)
- via library functions (Createxxx). Some of these functions expect (a pointer
- to) an ARRAY of data structures to create multiple objects with one call.
- These arrays are terminated with an entry (data structure) with it's type
- member (xxx_Type) set to the special value INTUISUP_DATA_END (0).
- The creation functions return a pointer (APTR) to the internal data
- environment according to these ISUP objects. This pointer is used later as
- paramter for the other functions to access the object data.
- Now a few words to the functions of ISUP library:
- APTR IGetRenderInfo(struct Screen *screen, USHORT flags)
- screen - ptr to screen the ISUP object should be displayed on or
- NULL for the workbench screen
- flags - RENDER_INFO_FLAG_xxx
- Returns a pointer to an internal data structure with some visual
- infos needed for creation of ISUP objects. Use the SAME pointer
- (only ONE call of IGetRenderInfo for all ISUP objects displayed on
- the SAME screen) as parameter APTR ri to the ISUP functions. This
- data structure MUST be released with the function IFreeRenderInfo
- before closing library.
- VOID IFreeRenderInfo(APTR ri)
- ri - pointer to internal data structure returned by IGetRenderInfo
- Releases memory for internal data structure allocated by
- IGetRenderInfo.
- struct Window *IOpenWindow(APTR ri, struct NewWindow *nw, USHORT flags)
- ri - pointer to internal data structure returned by IGetRenderInfo
- nw - pointer to initialized NewWindow structure
- flags - OPEN_WINDOW_FLAG_xxx
- Manipulates NewWindow structure according to given flags and opens
- window from it.
- VOID IClearWindow(APTR ri, struct Window *win, USHORT left_edge,
- USHORT top_edge, USHORT width, USHORT height, USHORT flags)
- ri - pointer to internal data structure returned by IGetRenderInfo
- win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow
- left_edge, top_edge, width, height - dimension of area to clear
- flags - CLEAR_WIDNOW_FLAG_xxx
- Clears area of given window according to visual infos (APTR ri). The
- area will be clipped to the window dimension if necessary.
- VOID ICloseWindow(struct Window *win, BOOL more_windows)
- win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow
- more_windows - TRUE if user port of window shared with other windows
- Closes window in a savely manner (all IntuiMessages are replyed,
- user port is only closed if not shared, ...).
- struct AvailFontsHeader *IAvailFonts(APTR ri)
- ri - pointer to internal data structure returned by IGetRenderInfo
- Creates a list of all available fonts (ROM + disk) and saves this in
- the internal data structure (APTR ri).
- struct TextAttr *IAskFont(APTR ri, struct TextAttr *ta)
- ri - pointer to internal data structure returned by IGetRenderInfo
- ta - pointer to initialized structure with text attributes
- Check if given font exists in internal font list (APTR ri) created
- with IAvailFonts.
- struct TextFont *IOpenFont(APTR ri, struct TextAttr *ta)
- ri - pointer to internal data structure returned by IGetRenderInfo
- ta - pointer to initialized structure with text attributes
- Open font according to given TextAttr structure from internal font
- list (APTR ri).
- VOID IDisplayTexts(APTR ri, struct Window *win, struct TextData *td,
- SHORT hoffset, SHORT voffset, BYTE **language_text_array)
- ri - pointer to internal data structure returned by IGetRenderInfo
- win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow
- td - pointer to ARRAY of initialized TextData structures
- hoffset, voffset - offsets added to positions of ALL texts
- language_text_array - pointer to string pointer array created with
- IBuildLanguageTextArray or NULL
- Displays texts described in given data structure array. If given
- language_text_array is not NULL then td_Text doesn't contain a
- pointer to string but an offset of the string pointer in given array
- with pointers to text in foreign languages.
- USHORT IPrintText(APTR ri, struct Window *win, BYTE *text, USHORT left_edge,
- USHORT top_edge, USHORT type, USHORT flags, struct TextAttr *text_attr)
- ri - pointer to internal data structure returned by IGetRenderInfo
- win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow
- text - pointer to string with text
- left_edge, top_edge - position of text on diplay
- type - TEXT_DATA_TYPE_xxx
- flags - TEXT_DATA_FLAG_xxx
- text_attr - font used for text
- Displays text at given position.
- USHORT IConvertUnsignedDec(ULONG num, BYTE *buffer, USHORT flags)
- num - number to be converted
- buffer - pointer to buffer for converted number
- flags - CONVERT_FLAG_xxx
- Convert binary number to text string in unsigned decimal format.
- USHORT IConvertSignedDec(LONG num, BYTE *buffer, USHORT flags)
- num - number to be converted
- buffer - pointer to buffer for converted number
- flags - CONVERT_FLAG_xxx
- Convert binary number to text string in signed decimal format.
- USHORT IConvertHex(ULONG num, BYTE *buffer, USHORT flags)
- num - number to be converted
- buffer - pointer to buffer for converted number
- flags - CONVERT_FLAG_xxx
- Convert binary number to text string in hexa decimal format.
- USHORT IConvertBin(ULONG num, BYTE *buffer, USHORT flags)
- num - number to be converted
- buffer - pointer to buffer for converted number
- flags - CONVERT_FLAG_xxx
- Convert binary number to text string in binary format.
- VOID IDisplayBorders(APTR ri, struct Window *win, struct BorderData *bd,
- SHORT hoffset, SHORT voffset)
- ri - pointer to internal data structure returned by IGetRenderInfo
- win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow
- td - pointer to ARRAY of initialized BorderData structures
- hoffset, voffset - offsets added to positions of ALL texts
- Displays borders described in given data structure array.
- VOID IDrawBorder(APTR ri, struct Window *win, USHORT left_edge,
- USHORT top_edge, USHORT width, USHORT height, USHORT type)
- ri - pointer to internal data structure returned by IGetRenderInfo
- win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow
- left_edge, top_edge, width, height - dimension of border
- type - BORDER_DATA_TYPE_xxx
- Draws border at given position on display.
- APTR ICreateGadgets(APTR ri, struct GadgetData *gd, SHORT hoffset,
- SHORT voffset, BYTE **language_text_array)
- ri - pointer to internal data structure returned by IGetRenderInfo
- gd - pointer to ARRAY of initialized GadgetData structures
- hoffset, voffset - offsets added to positions of ALL texts
- language_text_array - pointer to string pointer array created with
- IBuildLanguageTextArray or NULL
- Create internal data structure for ISUP gadgets from given array of
- data structures. This function DON'T display any object. Displaying
- will be done with IDisplayGadgets. Internal data structure MUST be
- released with IFreeGadgets. If given language_text_array are not
- NULL then gd_Text doesn't contain a pointer to string but an offset
- of the string pointer in given array with pointers to text in foreign
- languages.
- VOID IFreeGadgets(APTR gl)
- gl - pointer to internal data structure returned by ICreateGadgets
- Releases memory for internal data structure allocated by
- ICreateGadgets. If gadgets are currently displayed then they MUST be
- removed with IRemoveGadgets first.
- VOID IDisplayGadgets(struct Window *win, APTR gl)
- win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow
- gl - pointer to internal data structure returned by ICreateGadgets
- Displays all gadgets from given internal data structure (gadgets now
- are selectable). To remove gadgets from display use IRemoveGadgets
- (gadgets aren't selectable any more).
- VOID IRefreshGadgets(APTR gl)
- gl - pointer to internal data structure returned by ICreateGadgets
- Refresh images of all gadgets from given internal data structure.
- VOID IModifyGadget(APTR gl, USHORT data_entry, LONG left_edge, LONG top_edge,
- ULONG width, ULONG height)
- gl - pointer to internal data structure returned by ICreateGadgets
- data_entry - offset (in array of GadgetData structures) of gadget to
- modify
- left_edge, top_edge, width, height - new dimension of gadget or
- USE_CURRENT_VALUE for old value
- Repositions and/or resizes a gadget. All gadgets can be repositioned
- but only some gadgets can be modified: buttons, sliders and
- ULONG ISetGadgetAttributes(APTR gl, USHORT data_entry, ULONG flag_mask,
- ULONG flag_bits, ULONG data1, ULONG data2, VOID *data3)
- gl - pointer to internal data structure returned by ICreateGadgets
- data_entry - offset (in array of GadgetData structures) of gadget to
- change attributes
- flag_mask - mask with bits set for flag bits to change
- flag_bits - new flag bits (only bits with flag mask bit set are
- changed)
- data1, data2, data3 - new values for appropriate union gd_SpecialData
- or USE_CURENT_VALUE for old value
- Changes flags or special data and returns OLD value of a gadget. Not
- all special data members can be changed of different gadgets. Some
- are fixed while creating. NO ADDITIONAL REFRESH NEEDED.
- VOID IActivateInputGadget(APTR gl, USHORT data_entry)
- gl - pointer to internal data structure returned by ICreateGadgets
- data_entry - offset (in array of GadgetData structures) of gadget to
- activate
- Activates an input gadget (string or integer gadget).
- struct Gadget *IGadgetAddress(APTR gl, USHORT data_entry)
- gl - pointer to internal data structure returned by ICreateGadgets
- data_entry - offset (in array of GadgetData structures) of gadget to
- get pointer of its standard gadget structure
- Returns pointer to the appropriate standard gadget structure. This
- function is normally not used, because no access to the standard
- gadget structures is required. All changes to ISUP objects MUST be
- performed via ISetGadgetAttributes().
- struct Window *IRemoveGadgets(APTR gl)
- gl - pointer to internal data structure returned by ICreateGadgets
- Removes all gadgets belonging to given internal data structure from
- display (gadgets aren't selectable any more). Pointer to window
- gadgets displayed before is returned.
- struct IntuiMessage *IGetMsg(struct MsgPort *uport)
- uport - window's user port
- MUST be used instead of Exec's GetMsg to handle all actions belonging
- to ISUP objects. For all events produced by ISUP objects a modified
- IntuiMessage structure will be returned. Some of their members are
- (mis)used for special ISUP data:
- Class = ISUP_ID -> need to identify an modified ISUP message
- Code = id of the appropriate ISUP object -> offset of object
- data structure in array of GadgetData structures
- given to ICreateGadgets()
- IAddress = value returned from ISUP object, e.g. state (0|1)
- of check gadget, count of count gadget,...
- ATTENTION: for string gadgets IAddress contains
- a pointer to the gadget's input buffer,
- so no ptr to gad->StringInfo.Buffer
- needed
- SpecialLink = internal ptr returned by ICreateGadgets()
- according to appropriate ISUP object
- ATTENTION: if more than one lists with ISUP
- objects displayed on the same
- window, SpecialLink must be checked
- first for the list the ISUP object
- belongs to
- All other members of the IntuiMessage structure contains their
- normal values. All special IntuiMessage structures MUST be replied
- with IReplyMsg instead of Exec's ReplyMsg. Normal IntuiMessage can
- replied with this function too.
- Example:
- struct IntuiMessage *im;
- while (im = IGetMsg(win->UserPort)) {
- ^
- |
- if (im->Class == ISUP_ID) {
- ULONG value;
- /* Handle event from ISUP object */
- switch (im->Code) {
- case 0 : /* first object in GadgetData array */
- value = (ULONG)im->IAddress; /* value returned from this object */
- break;
- :
- :
- case n : /* n-th object in GadgetData array */
- value = (ULONG)im->IAddress; /* value returned from this object */
- break;
- }
- } else {
- /* Handle normal IDCMP events */
- :
- :
- }
- IReplyMsg(im);
- ^
- |
- }
- VOID IReplyMsg(struct IntuiMessage *imsg)
- imsg - IntuiMessage received with IGetMsg
- Replys special IntuiMessage built by IGetMsg (Class == ISUP_ID).
- Normal IntuiMessage can replied with this function too.
- UBYTE IConvertRawKeytoASCII(struct IntuiMessage *imsg)
- imsg - IntuiMessage received with IGetMsg
- Returns ASCII code of given RAWKEY IntuiMessage or ZERO if no
- ASCII character.
- BOOL IAutoRequest(struct Window *req_win, BYTE *title, BYTE *body_text,
- BYTE *pos_text, BYTE *neg_text, LONG pos_idcmp_flags,
- LONG neg_idcmp_flags, USHORT req_flags, BYTE **language_text_array)
- req_win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow or NULL for
- window on workbench screen
- title - pointer to title string for requester window or NULL for
- default title
- body_text - pointer to text string for requester body
- pos_text - pointer to text string for positive gadget or NULL for no
- positive gadget
- neg_text - pointer to text string for negative gadget or NULL for no
- negative gadget
- pos_idcmp_flags - IDCMP flags for activating positive gadget
- neg_idcmp_flags - IDCMP flags for activating negative gadget
- req_flags - REQ_DATA_FLAG_xxx
- language_text_array - pointer to string pointer array created with
- IBuildLanguageTextArray or NULL
- Displays an auto requester from given data and waits for it's
- termination with the positive or negative gadget. In body text a new
- line is started with `\n'. If given language_text_array is not NULL
- then td_Text doesn't contain a pointer to string but an offset of
- the string pointer in given array with pointers to text in foreign
- languages.
- APTR IDisplayRequester(struct Window *req_win, struct RequesterData *rd,
- BYTE **language_text_array)
- req_win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow or NULL for
- window on workbench screen
- rd - pointer to initialized RequesterData structure
- language_text_array - pointer to string pointer array created with
- IBuildLanguageTextArray or NULL
- Displays a requester defined by given RequesterData structure. All
- other gadgets displayed on window the requester window (req_win)
- opened from are disabled till removing of requester. So any
- IntuiMessages with Class == ISUP_ID received by
- IGetMsg(req_win->UserPort) come from requester. If given
- language_text_array is not NULL then td_Text doesn't contain a
- pointer to string but an offset of the string pointer in given array
- with pointers to text in foreign languages. Pointer to internal
- data structure belonging to requester is returned. Requester MUST be
- removed from display with IRemoveRequester.
- VOID IRemoveRequester(APTR rl)
- rl - pointer to internal data structure returned by IDisplayRequester
- Removes requester belonging to given internal data structure from
- display. All gadgets disabled by IDisplayGadgets are reenabled now.
- APTR ICreateMenu(APTR ri, struct Window *win, struct MenuData *md,
- struct TextAttr *ta, BYTE **language_text_array)
- ri - pointer to internal data structure returned by IGetRenderInfo
- win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow
- md - pointer to ARRAY of initialized MenuData structures
- ta - pointer to initialized structure with text attributes
- language_text_array - pointer to string pointer array created with
- IBuildLanguageTextArray or NULL
- Create internal data structure for a menu from given array of data
- structures. This function DON'T display the menu. Displaying will be
- done with IAttachMenu. Internal data structure MUST be released with
- IFreeMenu. If given language_text_array are not NULL then md_Text
- doesn't contain a pointer to string but an offset of the string
- pointer in given array with pointers to text in foreign languages.
- Pointer to internal data structure belonging to menu is returned.
- VOID IAttachMenu(struct Window *win, APTR ml)
- win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow
- ml - pointer to internal data structure returned by ICreateMenu
- Make menu built with ICreateMenu available by attaching it to given
- window. Menu MUST be removed with IRemoveMenu.
- struct MenuItem *IMenuItemAddress(APTR ml, USHORT menu_num)
- ml - pointer to internal data structure returned by ICreateMenu
- menu_num - offset (in array of MenuData structures) of menu item
- to get address
- Return pointer to normal MenuItem structure of specified menu item.
- struct Window *IRemoveMenu(APTR ml)
- ml - pointer to internal data structure returned by ICreateMenu
- Remove menu attached with IAttachMenu from display.
- VOID IFreeMenu(APTR ml)
- ml - pointer to internal data structure returned by ICreateMenu
- Releases memory for internal data structure allocated by
- ICreateMenu. If menu is currently attached then it MUST be removed
- with IRemoveMenu first.
- struct FileData *IOpenTextFile(BYTE *name, USHORT read_buffer_size,
- USHORT line_buffer_size, USHORT flags)
- name - pointer to string with file name
- read_buffer_size - size (in bytes) of buffer used for reading text
- file
- line_buffer_size - number of bytes used for longest line of text
- flags - TEXT_FILE_FLAG_xxx
- Opens given text file and returns pointer to data structure with
- allocated buffers. This structure MUST be freed with ICloseTextFile.
- SHORT IReadTextLine(struct FileData *fd)
- fd - pointer to internal data structure returned by IOpenTextFile
- Read next line from text file opened with IOpenTextFile. This line
- can be found in given FileData structure.
- VOID ICloseTextFile(struct FileData *fd)
- fd - pointer to internal data structure returned by IOpenTextFile
- Close text file opened with IOpenTextFile and releases allocated
- buffers.
- BYTE **IBuildLanguageTextArray(BYTE *name, USHORT entries)
- name - pointer to string with name of file with language texts
- entries - number of text entries in file
- Parse given text file and return pointer to array of text strings
- read from language file. This array MUST be released with
- IFreeLanguageTextArray.
- BYTE *IGetLanguageText(BYTE *text, BYTE **text_array)
- text - offset (in array of text strings) of language text (starting
- with 1 instead of 0!!!)
- text_array - pointer to array of text strings created by
- IBuildLanguageTextArray
- Returns specified entry from within text pointer array created with
- IBuildLanguageTextArray.
- VOID IFreeLanguageTextArray(BYTE **text_array)
- text_array - pointer to array of text strings created by
- IBuildLanguageTextArray
- Releases memory of array created with IBuildLanguageTextArray.
- VOID IChangeMousePointer(struct Window *win, struct PointerData *pd)
- win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow
- pd - pointer to initialized PointerData structure or NULL for
- busy mouse pointer
- Replace current mouse pointer of selected window with one described
- in given data structure. Old mouse pointer will be saved and can be
- restored later with IRestoreMousePointer.
- VOID IRestoreMousePointer(struct Window *win)
- win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow
- Restore old mouse pointer saved with IChangeMousePointer.
- VOID IMoveMousePointer(struct Window *win, SHORT x, SHORT y, BOOL button)
- win - pointer to window opened by (I)OpenWindow
- x, y - new position (relative to upper left corner of given
- window!!!) for mouse pointer
- button - TRUE for left mouse button pressed
- Move mouse pointer of given window to new position.